Autosend Feature - athenahealth exclusive
Would you like to automate survey sending? Look no further than our Autosend Feature!
User type required to access: Administrator and/or Provider Admin
- Any Administrator of a Center/Group can set an Autosend Survey.
- If multiple Centers/Groups exist, then each will need to set their own autosend.
- The Primary Provider associated with the patient in athenahealth will be the provider associated with the survey sent.
- The Surveys will be sent out within 0 to 72hrs of the appointment date once you save the Auto-Send Feature.
- Please note that it takes our system approximately 60 min to retrieve your data from Athena.
Once your integration goes live, we will automatically pull in the most recent appointments (including Providers and Patients associated with these appointments) from your practice.
- Those appointments will show up under APPOINTMENT TYPE
Under APPOINTMENT TYPE, you will find the PROVIDERS.
Setting up an auto-send survey!
- First, head to the Assessments tab.
- Next, go to the Autosend tab.
- From here, select the Appointment Type and Providers you'd like to set up the autosend for!
- Now you can add the PROMs and/or Assessment bundles you'd like to send out automatically.
- This follows the same process as normal - just add them into the cart and be sure to modify the automatic follow-up schedules as you see best fit!
- You will also see the number of questions as well as the expected time to complete the survey within the grey box below the cart.
If a patient is already receiving a PROM and/or Assessment you're planning to autosend, then they will not receive that specific PROM and/or Assessment.
- For example, let's say your patients have received Fatigue previously and you're setting an auto-send that includes Fatigue and Global Health to send to all New and Follow-Up Patients. The patients that have already received Fatigue will only receive Global Health whereas the patients that have never received Fatigue will receive both Fatigue and Global Health.
Want to automate surveys but all of your patients are taking different surveys? Use one of our Patient Select Assessments!
PRO TIP: Use these for New Patient Appointments to streamline your efforts
- PATIENT SELECT: Personalized Medicine in General Health
- PATIENT SELECT: Mental Health in Mental Health
- PATIENT SELECT: Musculoskeletal in Musculoskeletal
- PATIENT SELECT: Ophthalmology in Ophthalmological
Can't find what you need? Let us know!
- Once some PROMs and/or Assessments have been added, click on Save to save the Autosend.
- You will see a prompt to confirm your settings!
- Once all saved, you will see your new Autosend appear under SAVED AUTOSENDS.
Removing an auto-send survey
- If you wish to delete your autosend, then simply click on the trashcan icon.
- You will see a prompt to confirm your action.
- Now your autosend is off!
If you delete an auto-send survey, this will stop the auto-send for the center, but all patients who are currently receiving these assessments will NOT be impacted.